Even More Sunshiny Goodness!

Can you believe this?

I got tagged for the Sunshine Blogger Award not one, not two, but three more times! Why do you all think I am so sunshiny, huh?

Haven’t I made it perfectly clear that I am an Evil Overlord who laughs maniacally as she burns down small villages?

Oh, well…

You all know how much I love to talk about myself. I just can’t resist!

One of the beans who tagged me was Kenzie, my fellow Rodent – she is a chipmunk, I am a squirrel – and the other half of our Moriarty Duo – I’m Jim and she’s Morty. I think she’s also the reincarnation of my childhood best friend, Amy and the embodiment of happiness, but it debatable.

It totally makes sense for her to have been nominated for this award. It doesn’t make sense that I would be, though. Why are you all so confused?

Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll answer these questions and prove my unsunshininess. Okay? Okay.

If you could have one day (24 hours, exactly) to be any fictional character you wanted, which would you pick and WHY?

What kind of question is this, Kenzie? There are so many to choose from…

Okay. I would either be Black Widow,

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or Meg. Because they’re all so… similar.

Image result for meg gif hercules

And that’s if I limit myself to female characters!

Now I must flee from this evil question before I overthink it!

Would you rather be a mime for 24 hours, or speak in nothing but haikus for 42 hours? (answers must reflect what you pick [i.e. ‘I would choose Haiku, because it is easier, than never speaking…’ {GIF’s are allowed and also ENCOURAGED}])


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Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

Is this… an ice cream question?

In case you weren’t already aware… I love chocolate! Muchly.

My blog’s title has chocolate in it, after all. So I think the answer to this question is fairly evident? But just in case it is not, I will spell it out for you – chocolate is the best, always. The end.

However, strawberry is fun and quirky and I approve of you if you like it. Vanilla, on the other hand, is utter boredom and when faced with the decision to eat no ice cream or vanilla ice cream, I actually choose to deprive myself of the sugary goodness of which I am so fond.

I am a true martyr.

Would you rather be a dragon or a phoenix?

Traditional dragons are quite ugly. Just thought I’d get that out there. My own designs for dragons are beautiful, though, as is Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon.

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Nevertheless, I must choose phoenix.

The two choices are weirdly similar, though…

They can both fly and they both have a connection of some kind to fire? I am correct when I assume that a phoenix is essentially a “firebird,” right?

Image result for phoenix from narnia gif

Well, phoenixes are beautiful and birds are beautiful and I think I would rather have feathers than scales?

Ursula gives you an ultimatum: (A) become a mermaid forever (complete with the tail), but be unable to breathe underwater, or (B) stay a human forever and no longer be able to breathe air, but breathe underwater instead. Which do you pick?

Kenzie, did you ask this question with me in mind? Because you know I am terrified of Ursula? You’re mean.

Image result for ursula gif life is full of hard choices

I thought about this long and hard. At first I thought I would choose to have legs and be able to breathe underwater. Because I naturally thought I would live in the water… like a mermaid. I didn’t realize that part of that is not being able to breathe air? Hm. I don’t like that.

So I choose to be a mermaid who must come up for air every now and then. I love water and am perfectly willing to live in it for the rest of my life.

I do like my legs, though, so that is saddening.

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…I did some research on mermaids, though, and mermaids must come up for air every six minutes anyway? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I always assumed this was the way it worked. It’s… well, it’s kind of obvious? But apparently it is popularly assumed that mermaids live their entire lives underwater, without being forced to come to the surface if they don’t want to.

Ariel, sadly, was not aware of her own limitations and could breathe… both? That’s a blatant fail, Disney. I expected more from you.

Mermaids are so fascinating, though! Did you ever think about the fact that it can’t be good for your skin to be submerged in water for that long? It turns out your skin will begin to deteriorate and eventually fall off if you are submerged in water for more than three days. So, mermaids have two options here. Their skin can’t be quite like human skin, or mermaids must get out of the water and let their skin dry out every couple of days.

Perhaps that is why in old paintings, mermaids are often portrayed as lounging around on rocks?

The Little Mermaid got this wrong as well, by the way. If you have to come up for air every six minutes and have to get out of the water entirely every two days, you wouldn’t make your home deep undersea or in the middle of the ocean. You would live somewhere close to the surface. That’s fail number two, Disney…

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Describe to me your favorite color, without using the color’s name… (this is not a question, but I CARE NOT!)

This is going to be stupidly easy…

I have two favorite colors. One is the color of grass and leaves on trees. The second is the color of the sky and water.

Bet ya can’t guess which ones I’m talking about!

You’re given the option of becoming famous overnight, or being a small town-celebrity. Which do you pick, and why? (#deep)

I loudly proclaim my wish to be world-famous. Overnight or otherwise. Though… overnight would be nice? I wouldn’t have to put as much work into my fame, that’s certain…

Why? Um. Is it shallow to say that I want it because it is my dream?

Yes? I don’t care! It’s my dream, Rapunzel. Deal with it.

Would you rather have the Beast or the library?

Is this a question? The library, mate. The library.

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Or stay locked up in your room all day reading books and writing stories?

This is going to surprise you.

But I choose the snowman. I’m an introvert and a proud one, yes. But strangely enough, I do not like being indoors. It makes me restless…

Yes, people are terrifying.

Yes, I am essentially a recluse who never leaves the house.

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But I love being out and going places and doing things!

I just made that question weird and deep, didn’t I?

Which falls faster–the chicken or the egg?

Isn’t it supposed to be “which comes first: the chicken or the egg?” to which I would answer that it’s obvious that the chicken comes first. Why is that supposed to be a difficult question anyway?

But… all this falling stuff… I suppose the egg? It’s more dense. Besides, chickens are birds so they could flap their wings if they started falling…? Right?

Middle Earth is at war with Narnia. Which side wins?

This seems painfully obvious. I’m cringing.

For starters, Narnia is at a severe disadvantage because it is a small country and Middle Earth is the entire world. Narnia is populated predominantly by dwarves, animals, mythical creatures, and trees. Middle Earth has all this and more – Ents, elves, dwarves, men, Dunedain, wizards, trolls, orcs, and hobbits. But even if these two glaring facts were not true, I still maintain that Middle Earth is much grimmer and more warlike than happy ol’ Narnia.

I mean, can you imagine Aragorn and Peter charging across the battlefield toward each other? Ouchie.

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On that sunshiny note… let’s plunge into Anna‘s questions!

What is your favorite pastime besides writing and reading?

Telling stories is my passion. One of my favorite ways to tell a story is through acting. Singing and dancing go hand in hand with that, so all three of these vie for the honorary spot of favorite hobby.

I also like taking long walks and vaguely playing sports. Vaguely.

In the Lord of the Rings, Aragorn or Legolas?

Ahem! In case you weren’t aware, I hate Legolas. Orlando Bloom is pretty-ish as Will Turner and absolutely absurd as Legolas. White hair doesn’t work on him and the changing eye color is just terrifying. Add to all of that his utter inability to act and you have a rather unpleasant prospect.

Legolas from the book is somewhat better – cute and cheery and oddly lighthearted in spite of everything – but Aragorn is obviously superior in every way.

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What is your MTBI personality type?

Ooh! Thank you for asking, Anna! Me likey this question!

I always come out as an INTJ, but I remain somewhat unconvinced. On multiple points… am I an introvert when being around people makes me hyper? My feelings control me more than logic? I’m a perceptive person, not a judgmental one?

However, I use this site and I think it does a good job. So I’ll just accept my type, I suppose.

INTJ’s make up only a small percentage of people and apparently most INTJ’s are men?

Female INTJ’s are extremely rare. Isn’t that cool?

Famous INTJ’s include Colin Firth, Martin Luther, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Russell Crowe, and Mark Zuckerberg. Ta-daa!

Who would say is the worst villain of all time? Why?

This depends on what you mean.

Worst as in “this dude is the most terrifyingly unrepentant demon you can imagine”? Or “this poor smol bean is literally what I would become if my mother and my teddy bear were both murdered before my eyes as a  child”?

If the first, President Snow, perhaps. He is… evil. Sauron, also, is completely unrelatable. How am I supposed to relate to an eyeball anyway? Pull yourselves together.

If the second, Moriarty is me. I would insert a gif here, but so help me, if I get spoiled I’m going to break into the exhibit that contains the crown jewels and pretend to be the king.

If you could go into one book and live the entire story for yourself (either as main character, sub character, or bystander), which would you choose?

All of them?

Didn’t you know I already do this? I automatically place myself in the main character’s spot and live the entire story and do everything differently and better. Duh. Because I always do things better. I’ve never done anything I regretted. Of course not.

Image result for i regret nothing gif

But let’s just say that I’ll be Katniss. And I won’t break Gale’s heart.

What is one of your favorite quotes?

Agh! So difficult for a Professional Quote Collector like myself!

I decided awhile back that I would try and live by this one…

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Said Some Irish Proverb Man

Would you rather have a griffon, a dragon, a wolf, or an owl for a pet? Why?

This will have to be a process of elimination… Watch me eliminate!

Griffons are weird. I do not choose.

Dragons, as aforementioned, are ugly. I do not choose.

Wolves are glorious. Owls are adorable. How am I to pick between them?

Okay, fine! The wolf!

Farewell, my snowy friend…

What are your top 3 most favorite fandoms in the whole world?

Marvel. The Lord of the Rings. The Hunger Games.

The end.

When you first get a story idea in your head, does it start with the characters, the plot, or the theme?

A scene.

I know, I know! That wasn’t an option. Whoops!

But that is how I roll. Almost always I have a vivid picture in my head of one scene. I start writing that and… a story is born. Plot usually comes next, and then theme… setting kind of comes built-in to the scene that first comes to me. Usually.

There are exceptions, of course. The Songless started with a basic plot. Girl runs away from home, gets her leg stuck in a bear trap, and is saved by a dragonriding man. The end.

Divided They Fall started with characters – a young married couple, David and Lulu. Because everyone in fiction is conveniently hot and single and I am beyond sick of it.

But even with these… the story doesn’t take on a life of its own until I see that scene playing out in my head.

What is your decorating style? (floral, antique, modern, beachy, rustic, etc.)

Who knows? I rarely get the opportunity to decorate my own space – one of the many reasons I look forward to having my own apartment!

But I’m gonna say… Bohemian? Or chic? Or modern? Or… something?

If you were one of the four elements, which would you be? And why?

Just because I’m weird, I must clarify. The four elements are wind, water, fire, and earth.

How sad are you if choose earth? “Ah, yes. I identify with mud… it is so soft and… squishy. Very relatable, Kate. Very relatable.”

Um, no.

I would be wind. Fire is undoubtedly the coolest and water the most pleasant, but I am wind. We’re both loud and make our presence known, we are hyper and playful, and scatterbrained and flutter to and fro in pleasant agitation.

Okay, friends, we are getting dangerously sunshiny here…

I have one last set of questions to answer, thanks to my new friend, Jethan, and one last chance to prove myself not the sunshiny soul you all apparently take me for.

I can do this. I can.

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What is your preferred method for annihilating your enemies off the face of the earth?

The annihilating method. Obviously.

More specific? Um. I like fire? It’s warm and… deadly.

I’m liking this line of questioning, by the way!

What kind of dragon are you, and what are your special abilities?

A fire dragon. Obviously.

…I am smol and cute and just a baby, actually. My scales are black and smooth and I like to curl up in a ball in the palm of my friends’ hands.

What are a few of your favorite songs?

No! Bad question! Bad!

I love the song Bright, by Echosmith. That is all I am going to say because my head will most assuredly explode if I try to limit myself any further.

Which State would you like to visit?

All of them! Except, you know, for the one I live in. Ew.

But especially… Maine, Vermont, Nebraska, Alaska, Hawaii, California, Nevada, Montana, Wisconsin, and Utah.

What? I’m bad at limiting myself!

Car, canoe, or parachute?


Canoes are fun, but you don’t get places fast enough.

If you could know the complete, accurate history of one country going back to the beginning of time, which would it be?

Africa. Africa holds a special place in my heart. I have no idea why.

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You have gained a special magical power according to your favorite color, what is it?

The ability to fly? Perhaps? Or… heal people, or breathe underwater or make things grow…

Something devious and not at all sunshiny, obviously.

Coconut, lemon, peanut butter, raspberry, or white chocolate?

Are all of these flavors to be applied to the chocolate? Because if so, I say “how dare you, sir? Do not meddle with the gloriousness of chocolate in this unseemly manner!”


But perhaps you simple mean which of those individual things? I hate coconut, so not that one.

I enjoy eating lemons but I don’t like lemon-flavored things.

Peanut butter is okay in moderation…

Raspberries are good, but, like lemon, I rarely like raspberry flavoring.

And I despise white chocolate as the mockery to chocolate that it is.

So… peanut butter?

If you had to be an action hero, would you rather defuse bombs or rescue hostages in a shoot-out?

Rescue hostages.

Ah, but that makes me sound so nice! I am not nice! I save the hostages quite rudely, I swear!

What’s your favorite season?

Fall. But that sounds lame.

My favorite season is… Autummmnnnn.

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Your imaginary friend becomes real, who is it?

I only have one imaginary friend at the moment, though I am working to remedy this horrific oversight.

Zoe is my muse. She looks like she is about five years old but she is actually ageless. Zoe means “life” in Greek, which is what Zoe is. She wears a white robe and a wreath of olive leaves in her curly dusty-black hair. She is… evil. Or full of personality, at least. Opinionated, stubborn, mischievous… perhaps I will introduce you to her more formally sometime.

Bonus questions that are full of cookies 😀 …For everyone else:  What is your favorite book/movie/TV show?

I am, alas, “everyone else.” And I think I’m supposed to answer these individually?

My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.

My favorite movie… Amazing Grace? Or Finding Neverland? I talked about this here. Go read it.

My favorite show? Ha. I’ve only watched three. Person of Interest, which I hated. Lost, which was… complicated. And Sherlock, which I’ve just started. So I’ll say Lost, with high hopes that Sherlock will replace it soon.

Who’s still awake?

Because I have decided to exercise my Evil Overlordship and Transmute another tag. For those of you who don’t know, Transmuting is when you are tagged with one tag and you break the rules and turn that tag into a new tag of your own creation, see?

the Hobbit tag.jpg


Here are the questions… and there are a lot of them. Apologies, but there were so many things I needed to know!

1. Which hobbit do you relate to most: practical Merry, lighthearted Pippin, loyal Sam, courageous Frodo, or impulsive Bilbo?

2. Are you afraid of spiders?

3. Are you more likely to be underprepared and not have a handkerchief handy when your allergies flare up or be overprepared and walk all the way to Mordor with and entire set of pots and pans clanging around on your back?

4. What is your Elvish name?

5. Are you part of a best friend duo like Frodo and Sam and Merry and Pippin or are you a loner like Bilbo?

6. What size shoe do you wear?

7. If you had a choice would you live in Rohan, Gondor, or the Shire? Or… Mordor?

8. What is the farthest off anyone has ever guessed your age to be?

9. Does your personality match your stature or belie it?

10. What is your favorite riddle?

11. Do you wear any rings?

12. Would you be more likely to embarrass yourself by making a speech and forgetting what you were going to say or dancing on the table and falling?

13. Do you ever feel like butter?

14. If you were a hobbit, what would you name be?

15. Do you like fireworks?

16. How do you feel about trilogies?

17. What is your favorite poem?

18. Do you want to see mountains, Gandalf?

19. Can you swim?

20. You’re Frodo. You need eight fictional companions to journey with you to Mordor. Who do you pick? They cannot be from Lord of the Rings!

21. What is your Recurring Short Person Dilemma? Not being able to reach high cupboards, getting a stiff neck from talking to tall people, your feet not touching the ground when you sit in a particularly high chair and the circulation being cut off from your legs so that your feet swell to twice their normal size? I’m not bitter or anything, why would you say that?

22. If you could marry a kind of food, what would it be?



Just to get the ball rolling, I will tag Lucy Agnes, Belle Anne, Kenzie, and Miss March and anyone 5’5″ or shorter!

Go forth and be good hobbits!

Can a haiku expert in my audience tell me the rules for writing them? What element are you? Are you #TeamPeeta or #TeamGale? Raise your hand if you think Meg from Hercules is the best heroine ever! What is your favorite quote of all time? What is your MBTI personality type? Was my tag any good? Are we part of any of the same fandoms? Describe to me your imaginary friend! What is your favorite season? Are you still awake? What are my favorite colors? Most important question of all: who is your favorite villain?