I Want To Start Blogging Again

Look who’s poking her pointy little nose into the blogging world again?

(Yeah… it’s me.)

Where do I even start? I have so much to say that I actually struggled (for several days longer than was strictly necessary) to come up with a title for this post. Because I want to tell you everything – about the homemade cocoa I made and how it finally feels like summer here and my gymnastical adventures and the shows I’ve been watching with my family and the way college is simultaneously the most exciting and most depressing thing in my life right now.

And I hate doing these “update” posts.

I want to come back. I want to start blogging again – for real. Maybe I can’t handle the intensity of a two-times-a-week schedule, but there needs to be some kind of structure. I’m gonna go crazy (as if that hasn’t already happened…) if I have to keep up this hectic, haphazard style of popping in to Ten Unrelated Things! and then disappear back into the swirling mist from whence I came. It’s not working.

I need to write real posts that are focused and interesting and helpful. I need to unburden myself of all these amazing ideas and experiences banging around the inside of head. I need to start polishing up the old draft pile and let those poor neglected pieces see the light of day.

Let’s talk Cold, Hard Facts for a moment. (Just a moment, I promise. Let’s not get crazy or anything.) I am leaving for college in four months.



And I still have so much I want to say. Every day I force myself to stay away on Hiatus… the more ideas for fun and creative posts flood my mind and literally get down on their bony knees to beg me for release.

I begin to wonder… if I will actually follow through with my plan of abandoning this blog when I leave. There are still so many things to say. So many characters I need to flail over (Flynn Rider, mostly) and so many series’ I want to continue (like the Best Dressed thing) and tags to do (oh, they look so juicy and tempting!) and daring new things I’ve never tried (how do you feel about fancasting books?)!

I was writing to a friend tonight and I used the phrase “on hold” – and I realized just how perfectly it describes the way that I’m living my life right now.

Not that it doesn’t make sense. It does. I’m waiting for answers and deadlines and the waiting to be over.

I keep telling myself… “I’ll do that when all of this is over.”

I’ll get organized.

I’ll start writing again.

I’ll clean out my overflowing inbox.

I’ll start blogging on a schedule.

I’ll talk to the people I’ve been ignoring. (Not in a mean way… just in an overwhelmed way.)

I’ll comment on every funny or inspiring post that I’ve read since Christmas. (Do you want to know how many posts I have bookmarked at this moment in time? Do you? I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s in the hundreds. And for once, I’m not exaggerating. At all.)

I keep telling myself that once I’ve taken my Big Test Of Doom and the college tells me whether or not I’m accepted, everything will go back to normal. I can start breathing again and get into some kind of rhythm for how I go about… life.

The problem is that answers are long in coming and life needs to be dealt with. I can’t just ignore it. I can’t hold my breath that long.

I have to stop living “on hold.”

Because the responsibilities are piling up and becoming this enormous mountain that I’m scared to even look at. I’ve put things off for so long that it’s a little bit out of control.

(Are you depressed? I’m depressed. Stop writing this depressing nonsense, Kate!)

*deep, cleansing breaths*


I have decided.

I am – slowly, perhaps – going to emerge from my Hiatus. I’m going to try posting once a week and getting the words out of my system. I’m a writer, after all, I know what happens when I keep them bottled up inside of me.

I feel like I have years and years worth of things to tell you… but it’s only been three months. How can that be? So much has happened.


I made this homemade cocoa, for one thing. It was amazing. So chocolatey and rich and thick and – wow. Never going back to the prepared mix.


I auditioned for Something and got rejected, but you already heard about that. I’ve gotten over it because that’s who I am. I digest information and then I move on. Wallowing isn’t going to change anything. I am so excited about college! It’s hard to put into words how much I crave the day when I leave my hometown behind and set out on my first real Adventure. A new town. A dorm and a roommate to go with it. New friends. Classes. A job. My life is about to become… exciting.


I’m trying to bolster my list of accomplishments and… for some reason, being able to do a split rose to the forefront.

So I started doing stretches each day to improve my sadly limited flexibility and I think it’s working? Slowly but surely, I’m getting closer and closer to being able to do the Elusive Split. Maybe. (Once I achieve this goal, I will move on to something more difficult – namely, the handstand.)

Oh, and you know those stories about ripping your pants in front of everyone because you did a split? These stories are… partially true. I had to say a tearful farewell to my neon-blue skinny jeans – stretches for five days in succession weakened them and, eventually, killed them. In front of a million people. (Okay, that’s not true. Why would a million people be watching me stretch? That’s weird.)


I’m currently watching two shows – The Flash and Lark Rise To Candleford. The first I am watching with my brothers because action is our jam and the second I am watching with my mother because action is not her jam. 

~~~The Flash~~~

The Flash is refreshing, in many ways. Barry is a good kid who is not ashamed of being a Good Kid, and that is refreshing. Barry cries a lot, he hugs his family a lot, he makes sure that he tells the important people in his life how much he loves them because he knows what it’s like to have them snatched away in heartbeat, he is twenty-five years old and still goes to his dad for advice, he tries to be edgy and dark and fails so badly that it’s laughable. I love it. He represents light – shining as a beacon of genuine happiness, innocence, and doing what’s right because it’s right. He doesn’t need any other reason. And the fact that forgiveness is a repeating theme? I’m floored, okay? No other show does this! Barry believes in forgiveness – he lives it. He chooses to forgive the man who betrayed and hurt him. He actively chooses to let go of the anger and bitterness festering in his heart towards the person who murdered his mother when he was just a child. And he persuades Patty not to seek vengeance, because he knows that an unforgiving heart can destroy you. It can eat away at you, from the inside out. I’m shook.

And he wears tennis shoes a lot and it’s adorable, okay?

I also think it’s pretty cool that this show isn’t trying to pretend dads aren’t important – because they are. No matter how much our modern world wants to say that moms are everything or that you can have whatever kind of parent-combination is thrown your way and you’ll turn out just fine, dads are a vital part of every child’s life. Barry has several father figures – his real dad who is in prison, his adoptive father Joe, and the scientist he idolizes, Harrison Wells. This show never tries to blur over the fact that Barry is desperately searching for something in these men, that he needs them in his life, that his is the man and the hero because of their impact.

The Flash also has a few female characters who aren’t the boringly cliched Emotionally Hardened Assassin Who Shoots Men – Caitlin is a doctor who doesn’t even pretend to be proficient in martial arts, Felicity is a nerdy hacker who is content to stay at headquarters instead of joining the fray, and Patty is a completely adorable ball of energy and sweetness that belies her policeman status.

My only complaint is… can’t love interests and friends ever just be understanding? If I found out that my best friend had superpowers, I’d be p u m p e d. But they are never pumped? They’re accusatory, they’re hurt, they’re offended, they’re furious. Because the superhero didn’t tell them! Because… because. Yeah. No. Now I need to write a superhero parody just so that my characters can be happy for their friends instead of adding to the guilt and stress of trying to maintain an alternate ego?

~~~Lark Rise~~~

In sharp contrast, Lark Rise To Candleford is a slow-paced and character-focused stroll through the 19th century English countryside. It is strongly character-oriented and even though I am frustrated with 99% of the cast, I have fallen a little bit in love with the show as a whole?

Laura is one of those rare creatures – a likable female protagonist – and Alf, despite his peculiar eyes, is a sweetie. However, if I have to look at Miss Lane’s self-satisfied smile one more time…

I may break something.

My favorite things so far are the ghosts, the aesthetic, the sweet folksy soundtrack, and Philip’s dog.


I wore a dress for the first time in two or three years and it felt real and old and normal and attractive. I might do it again sometime.


At the ripe age of 18 years I received my first ever box of Valentine’s chocolates – in May, from an 8-year-old girl. (I do not believe she had any romantic intentions?)

This video accurately captures my emotions:


After about a million false starts, it finally feels like summer here. And like every year, it brings with it the usual jumble of excitement, nostalgia, grief, and thunderstorms. It’s complicated.


As always, some cool things have been floating around the blogging world. Like this insanely awesome interview Kenzie did with some weirdo she found on the side of the street! I was amused by it. Elsewhere, I chatted with my good friend Ruby Sky and we were nerds about The Silmarillion together. Lastly but not leastly, I found a new blog to love and adore forever and it is run and written by a brilliant young lady named Phoebe Ava. This post in particular made me laugh.


And I think that just about covers it?

That is the past couple of months, summed up in as few words as I am capable of. (Which is apparently over a thousand…)

Feel warned that I will probably end up doing posts on each of these topics. (Especially the cocoa because, seriously!) 


I’m back?

24 thoughts on “I Want To Start Blogging Again”

  1. DARN IT I WASN’T THE FIRST COMMENTER. *stabs face with pitchfork*

    KATE!!! KATE!! KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE!!!! I cannot even begin to express how excited I am that you are back… I HAVE MISSED YOU. A LOT. It should probably be shameful, but I HAVE NO SHAME, PEASANTS!!!!

    I’ve seen the Flash floating around, and I’ve been VERRRRRY tempted to click on it??? But I’m worried that if I get too sucked into it, I won’t get any writing done… But I should PROOOOOBABLY try watching it anyway. Because I am full of self-control and dedication to my craft. Aha….hahahahaha…. noimnot.

    ALSO, that little girl seems like an absolute sweetie and I am over here squealing about how precious she is…. (and that Studio C episode. it is my life. i’m pretty sure Tori is literally me…)


    (and if you ever happen to get super powers you better tell me or I will probably cry.)


    1. I forgive you. ;))

      HI HI HI HI!!!! I am so happy to be back, honestly. I have really missed this but I AM READY to get back into the swing of things (and by that I mean I am planning on punching a lot of stuff)!!!

      Okay, so I’m simultaneously like PLEASE WATCH IT because you’d like it and we could scream together about Joe and Cisco and Wells and BARRY and just… all my boychildren… but on the other hand, I definitely get super obsessed with stuff and it distracts me from writing and you are being like disciplined and wise probably??? SO YES. *literally gave zero helpful advice just then*

      She is high energy and a mess, but I love her. (She literally could NOT STOP CRYING when we parted ways. And she thought it was just for the summer. If I mentioned that she’ll probably never see me again… aha.) YES I LOVE THAT EPISODE BECAUSE CHOCOLATE AND VALENTINE’S DAY IS JUST SORT OF… FOR OTHER PEOPLE NOT ME??? I’ll have a smol panic attack if I’m ever actually… with someone… on Valentine’s. That would be too weird. (Now I’m just going to dump everyone on Valentine’s Day so I don’t have to deal with it???)

      Dude, I want to hear more about it too. Hopefully somebody writes that. I HAVE MISSED YOU TOOOOOOOO.

      (Don’t cry. Be super pumped that your best friend has POWERS. Like this should be cause for celebration, not drama and face-slapping??)

      Liked by 1 person


        HI!!!! ACK ME TOO!!! I have missed you so much!!! And DUDE. Can I punch things with you because that sounds like fun. *whips out boxing gloves, personal trainer, and ear plugs*

        But…..but…..but…..I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THIS NOW. XD I think I might use it as a reward system? I used to do that with Once Upon a Time during NaNo. Once I’d reach my word count, I was allowed to watch an episode (or four) of OUAT…. XD But seriously, this show sounds amazing??? I SHALL KEEP YOU POSTED ON WHETHER I WATCH IT.

        OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Poor thing….. I love her so much… <333 Why are children the actual sweetest beings on this earth??? DUDE, SAME. Because like I'll have to get them chocolates and a CARD and obviously I want to eat all of the chocolate myself so how is this thing even supposed to work? (Coincidentally, though, if he lets me eat all the chocolate I bought for him, then obviously he is The One. XD) (Also yes to the dumping him on Valentine's. Let's just avoid all unnecessary awkwardness and nip this thing in the bud before it's too late.)

        *stares at you for ten minutes* ASDFGHJKL *incoherent screaming of communal missing*

        Oh, I wouldn't cry because my best friend has superpowers. I would be extremely excited. But if you tried to HIDE it from me?? That would be sad. Because EHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU NOT TELL ME??? How DARE you??? *whips out pitchfork* [wait did someone actually slap a face, or…?])


  2. *hugs this post* So glad to see you back, Kate!!

    Living life on hold. Yes. I know what that feels like. And I also get the college thing being simultaneously thrilling and depressing because it’s looming in the fall and all the sudden ya’s gots ta grow up and what am I doing with my life and eek. 😦 But everything will be all right. There will always be little girls to send you chocolates. 🙂

    I’ve only seen approximately two episodes of The Flash but…I think I would adore it.


    1. HEY LOVELY FRIEND!!! *hugs forever*

      Wow??? More people are relating to that feeling than I expected. Honestly I thought that was kind of a “me only” thing??? Because I play mind games like that with myself all the time and I thought that’s probably not…. normal…

      WHAT WHAT WHAT. You are a senior this year too???? WE BE TWINSIES YAYYYYY. Someone who knows how I feel… Bahahahah. YES. Living for the chocolate. And the random kids. And other happy moments of sunshine like that.

      Oooooooh YES. Methinks that with your recent obsession with all things Marvel that you would like it very much. Not much language or other icky scenes, lots of emphasis on family… it’s a WINNER.


  3. KAAAAATE! *tackle-glomp-huggle* I ALWAYS MISS YOU AND YOUR POSTS SO MUCH! Seeing this appear on my dashboard made me so happy!

    I can’t believe you’ll be leaving for college in four month. My little Kate’s growing up! *wipes away tear* Ahem. But seriously. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!

    Oh man, I SO know that feeling of living life “on hold”. That mentality of, “Oh, I’ll get all this stuff done once I’m at THIS point of my life” etc., etc. I am soooo bad about doing that. I’ve been trying to kick out that state of mind myself and stop waiting and just DO. I really admire you for working on it and getting stuff done. You’ve totally got this, girl!

    I’ve been meaning to watch The Flash for SO LONG. It’s just ridiculous I haven’t yet. And reading your thoughts makes me want to even MORE. That is so refreshing to just have a genuinely GOOD hero, especially a male one. Those are so rare in shows these days, and it breaks my heart. We need more GOOD protagonists to look up to!

    OH. And Lark Rise to Candleford! I have seen some of that. Only the first few episodes though. I always mean to continue it but just…never get around to it. But I agree, it’s a cute little show with characters who steal your heart. Maybe one of these days I’ll watch it all the way through!

    OH MY WORD. That’s like my FAVORITE Studio C video. It’s a masterpiece. I died when I first saw it. Such a relatable video. xD

    Anyways, it’s so good to hear from you! I do hope these next few months are amazing ones for you! *hugs*


    1. Is it weird that I’m like… MY OWN MOM??? Like “my little chile is all growed uppppp!!!” but the chile is me. Weird.

      Aghhhh, dude. I’M EXCITED. I know it’s mostly been moan-y complaining lately but duuuuude. I really am excited about everything the future holds.

      OH YOU DO THAT TOO??? I thought I was the only one… Ugh. I don’t force myself to push through as much as I should??? But yeah. Tryiiiing.

      CHRISTINE I THINK YOU WOULD LOVE IT!!! Watch The Flash! *is excited for the emotional roller coaster you will experience* And yesssss. Barry is really a sweetie and it’s so nice to see that there are still superheroes like that.

      It is cute and relaxing. If you ever have the time, it’s worth the watch. Very cozy and chill.

      Bhahahahaah!!! Glad I added it in, then!!

      Eeeeeekkk!! I am so happy to be back!!


  4. Welcome back!!! (Is that weird to welcome you back to your own blog? Probably. Ah well).

    Honestly, though, homemade cocoa is like nothing else. Although one time I was making a pot and I accidentally put in tablespoons instead of teaspoons of cocoa, so then I had to use more milk, so then my pot turned into a vat, and we had cocoa for DAYS. There are worse things, tbh. And yeah, you can never go back.

    Also, Larkrise to Candleford was my CHILDHOOD. Although, I disliked Laura, and found Ms. Lane to be endearingly annoying. But Alf will forever have my heart. (AND HAS MINNIE COME ALONG YET? because she is my spirit animal…) Anyway…

    I’m so glad you’re back(ish?) from hiatus. I have missed your lovely posts in my feed. ❤


    1. (Nopenopenope!! I am so happy to be welcomed back!!! *hugs*)

      Ahhhh, so you know about this magic too??? HOORAY. Wooooowww, that sounds amazing. The recipe I used calls for like… a whole FOURTH OF A CUP of cocoa sooooo yeah. And it’s supposed to be for six people but I make it for three, so the proportion of chocolate to milk is…. evil. *sinister laughter*

      WAIT WHAT. How can it be your childhood??? It’s like… kind of recent… at least, 2014??? Ah, we are reversed then. ;)) That’s okay. YES WE JUST MET MINNIE AND SHE IS PRECIOUSSSSS!!! I love her.

      Saaaaaaame arghhhh.


      1. O.O Oh my. That sounds like dark and terribly amazing cocoa. DARK LIKE MY SOUL. (jk ;P)

        Ahem. 2008-2011. So… middle childhood, but still. YEESSSSS. I’m glad you love her BECAUSE SHE IS AN EXCELLENT PERSON. Shall we fangirl more later? Yes. Perfect.


  5. HIIIIIII!!!!! Welcome back. I want to respond to everything you said, but this could get a little long then.

    First things first: that cocoa sounds amazing. I hope that you enjoyed it to the fullest extent. 🙂

    Second of all: I hope that with blogging and life in general, you give yourself lots of grace and time and be GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. I don’t know if that applies or not, but that’s the number one thing that has changed my life. Being gentle with myself and changing the way I talk to myself has made life so much easier. GRACE. Heck yeah.

    Third: Life is crazy, especially when you’re in an “inbetween” phase. I wish you all the luck in the world. ❤


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