Answering Your Most Pressing Inquiries (Because I’m Nice Like That)

I find myself in a most interesting situation.

Since my recent “I’m baaaaack!” post, I’ve been wanting to follow up with some fun, interesting, fresh content on here but found, to my consternation, that nothing was really working. You know that feeling?

Like you are filled with the genuine desire to write but there are simply so many ideas (!!) swirling and other things distracting you and just the tiniest smidge of laziness that prevents anything too extravagant or difficult… so you don’t write at all.

To be honest, I wanted my next post to be a piece on Little Women. Like many others, I went and saw the newest iteration of my beloved story in theaters back in January (I think?) and found myself not-quite-as-in-love-as-I-so-very-much-wanted-to-be. The post that has been stewing in my brain ever since is not really a review of Gerwig’s attempt as much as a comparison of aaaaallll the different versions out there and some scenes from the book (which, again, I adore more than almost anything) that *never* show up on-screen… but really, really should because they are precious and important and deserve to be loved. *aggrieved sniff*

And I do still plan on writing that post because it has been weighing upon my heart and mind for quite a while now. But perhaps, for today, it is a little too much to embark upon.

Instead, I took a little stroll into my drafts pile. (I also took a wee peek at my published posts and OH MY… there are 103 published posts and some of them look Quite Silly In Retrospect but published they shall remain… for now. Aha.) And I found this very post, almost finished and rather cute and fun (if I do say so myself) and I thought… why not?

Without further ado… a little gem from my dusty old drafts pile.


I have something especially fun for you today. I am going to answer all the burning questions you have never asked nor wanted the answers to! However, someone did ask them. If I had to guess, I’d say it was a Russian spy or an android working for the corrupt government. But I don’t discriminate! I answer all the questions with one hundred percent honesty and seriousness at all times.

And before we get started, I should probably mention that this is something Cait does on her blog in each Monthly Recap and something that my pal Kenzie did just recently on her blog. So if you think to yourself, “Hmm. This looks like stealing,” then you are completely correct and deserve a golden star sticker.

~~~~~Let The Fun Begin!~~~~~

“till we have faces quotes on orual”

“till we have faces quotes”

 “till we have faces the fox quotes”

“till we have faces important quotes”

“till we have faces sad quote”

“till we have faces quote”

 “c.s. lewis till we have faces quotes”

Yes. Good job, sir. You came to the right place.

You can find them right here. 

“till we have faces quote will have man”

I’m not sure what to say. Will you have man? Will you have woman? Will you have them medium-rare or well-done? In the end, it is up to you.



“case we have c s faces lewis quotes”


That is all wrong. It is not In Case We Have C. S. Lewis and furthermore, the author’s first name is not Faces.

I can see where you were going with it, though.


“till we have faces quotes and page numbers”

Wow. Isn’t that a bit much to ask?


“what does the hobo in ‘yhe polar express’ signify?”

I haven’t the foggiest idea. That was why I wrote a post about it.

“historical inaccuracy of pride and prejudice movie”

“is pride and prejudice 2005 accurate”

“what is wrong with pride and prejudice 2005”

“is 2005 pride and prejudice accurate in terms of fashion”

“pride and prejudice movie accuracy”

 “historical accuracy of pride and prejudice movie”

As far as I can tell, the main problem with Pride and Prejudice 2005 is that it is not historically accurate.

Although I thought the fashion was fine. It was mostly social customs that they got wrong.

Like random dudes walking into your bedroom when you are in the bed in your pajamas. That sort of thing. Where were their manners?


“little women 1994”

Yep. I like it too.


“facts about character and pride”

I don’t have any of those, I’m afraid.

But, just off the top of my head, I can tell you that character is a good thing to have and if it is at all possible, I would develop some. Now, pride, on the other hand, is more tricky. Some people say yes, some people say no.

Image result for would you consider pride a fault or a virtue gif

“theoden so it begins gif”

You mean this one?

Image result for so it begins gif

“beyondthinking the seven heavens of narnia”

You lost me.

(To be perfectly honest, I am now going to Google this and see where it leads me. Be back in a minute.)



Simultaneously a thick jungle full of deadly animals and a nice, helpful website that removes all necessity to ever leave your house. Definitely recommend it, either way.

Also, this girl.

 Image result for wonder woman gifs naive

“is robinson crusoe a hero?”

Absolutely not.

He was a racist pig.

“dark chocolate spoilers”

I don’t know what those are but they sound amazing, so whoever searched this should come back and give me some.

“beauty and the beast sad”

Yes… yes, it was. You know what was the most sad? That Belle turned down Gaston when he was really just a sweet Shakespeare nerd who didn’t have the best social skills.

Related image

I mean, that guy is a hero. He willingly gives up his life because he — wrongly — thinks that Belle will be happier with that hairy dude than she would be with him. Think about it for a minute, my friends. Would they ever have ended up together if it weren’t for some helpful nudging from Gaston?

Such sacrifice!

Truly commendable. It brings tears to my eyes.

“subplot for lord of the rings”

There are so many! It’s hard to even know where to begin…

There is are several romantic  subplots, including but not limited to: Eowyn developing a wee crush on a dude who’s engaged (happens to the best of us), Sam falling in love with the adorable Rosie Cotton, and Eowyn getting another shot at love with a fellow invalid in the hospital. Then, of course, there are a million other subplots not involving love and marriage, but that should get you well-started.

“teef in the hobit”

Excuse me while I go pluck out my own eyeballs in horror.







“hobo angel story”

Oooh, this sounds like fun!

“thought prevoking themes”

All I can say is that I really like them. And that poor spelling occasionally “prevokes” me.

“bad guy in polar express”

I’m gonna take a wild stab and say Santa Claus.

the giver universe

To be perfectly honest with you… I didn’t know there was one? I thought The Giver took place in the real-world-universe. But, as I am not a particularly big fan of The Giver, I can safely say that I don’t have much interest in traveling to said universe.

Thus concludeth my small jaunt into the past. People were clearly on tenter-hooks to hear about Till We Have Faces (a fabulous book, really), The Polar Express, and Pride and Prejudice. Do stick around for a moment, though! I have some questions for you: How do you feel about hoboes? Do you possess either (must pick one) character or pride? What is your favorite quote? Do you like Lois Lowry’s The Giver? And finally… what is The Single Most Thought PREVOKING Theme that you can think of? Let’s discuss!